Cats may be animals, but so many centuries of serving as domesticated pets has spoiled them. Cats today have become much more sensitive to the wild than the rest of the animal kingdom. Fleas, ticks, and other critters can quickly and quietly become a serious problem if your cat is outside often.
If you have multiple cats, save money on cat dishes by checking your local dollar store for salsa dishes. You can usually get a package of three for a dollar. These are sturdy and come in pretty colors. They look nice in your kitchen, and they are just the right size for cat food.
Be sure to have your pet cat spayed or neutered by the time it is six months old. A spayed or neutered cat is a more satisfactory pet because it is calmer, quieter and more likely to stay home. Neutered male cats do not spray urine to mark their territory. This is definitely a plus when it comes to cat ownership.
Cats often view small spaces as a fun challenge. Collars can be a safety risk if your kitty gets stuck. A breakaway style collar will literally “break away” if pulled too tight. This could save your cat’s life!
Prevent your cat from chewing on electrical cords by spraying bitter apple on them. Cords should be covered, especially if your cat tends to chew on them. Loose cords can be bundled and tucked inside old paper towel rolls. Put your electronics away so your cat is not tempted to chew on the cords.
A cat’s claws can cause lots of damage to your home. If you want to prevent or stop your cat from scratching up your furniture, the best thing to do is buy a scratching post or kitty tower for them to climb in. You should scold your cat when it scratches your furniture and direct its attention to the scratching post or tower. This solution might take time to take, but it will help in the end.
If you cat is pregnant is with babies, you can expect to have a lot of kittens on your hands. Create a comfortable place for the cat to deliver her babies somewhere in your home. Make sure the spot is big enough for the kittens to move around as they grow.
Do not flush clumpable litter in your toilet. This can lead to problems with your plumbing. Instead just lift the clumps and dispose of them in a trash bag. Don’t forget, moisture is what makes the litter clump in the first place! Avoid doing that to your pipes and just dispose of it properly.
Brush your pet often. This will help stimulate blood flow. Also, it helps manage loose hair. This prevents hairballs, which can cause choking, and builds up in the cat’s stomach from self grooming.
If your cat does not use the litter box, do not use punishments to try to discipline him. Usually this is a sign that you haven’t cleaned the box recently. The cat will be fearful of you if you punish it.
When the cat’s litter box starts to become rough and worn at the bottom, it is time to replace it. If you leave it this way, it will cause waste to accumulate in damaged areas. Your cat may be very offended by the odor and decide to use the bathroom somewhere else in the house.
Many people do not realize that it is perfectly normal for you to take cats on walks so they can get exercise and fresh air. There are special harnesses made for you to use with your cat. If you use the type that were made for dogs, there is a chance your cat can get away.
Ensure that your new cat is spayed or neutered. This is important even if your cat will not be outdoors or around cats of the opposite gender. Studies show that spayed cats are less vulnerable to uterine, mammary, and ovarian cancer. Neutering your male cat decreases his risk of developing prostate cancer. Another benefit of neutering is that your cat will not feel compelled to mark his territory by spraying.
Is your cat really sweet and lovable? If so, they might make a good therapy pet. Pet therapy uses animals to go into places like nursing homes, and bring some joy to the people there. Your cat will be happy with all the attention, and you can feel good about doing something positive for others.
Your kittens don’t want dirty mouths either, so take a toothbrush and clean those gums everyday before breakfast. Without proper brushing, cats can catch diseases, infections, and suffer serious side effects. A few minutes daily keeps these teeth healthy, strong, and sparkling. You should ask a veterinarian how to properly brush your cat’s teeth.
If your cat could stand to lose a few pounds, choose foods that help the animal to feel full. If the cat acts like it is hungry all the time, you will be tempted to feed (and overfeed) it. Look for cat foods that contain higher amounts of protein and fiber. This also promotes a healthy digestive system, which contributes to weight loss.
When adopting a cat, consider adopting two. Cats are social creatures, and they prefer to be in the company of other feline friends. Having two will help to keep your kitty occupied, and it can make it easier to take care of your new pet. If owning two is not an option, make sure to spend extra time giving your cat love.
The outside world doesn’t need to be a scary place for you or your cat. These tips should help keep your new pet safe from infections, poisonous wildlife, and other dangerous animals. If your cat can’t seem to escape some constant disturbance outside, it may need to spend more time indoors instead.